Sunday, October 12, 2008


Any of you who know my mom, knows that she is a wonderful crocheter. As was her mom. I am not sure why I did not pick up on this talent. It must have skipped me. I had a baby dress that was my moms when she was a baby, that was made by her mom, and it was pink. Then I have a purple dress that I wore as a baby that was made by mom. Then my mom made McKenna a green dress and Sierra a peach baby dress, and the thread that she used was my grandma thread. So all these dresses have something to so with my mom and Grandma. My mom volunteers at the Syracuse History Museum, and she wanted the pink dress that her mom made, to put on display, with some booties. My Grandma Barber was very famous for making baby booties. So I donated the dress to the museum. So before I let it go I took some pictures of them. My how we all have grown.

1 comment:

JenWright said...

That is so neat! What an amazing legacy! love, jen