Sunday, December 14, 2008

Jay's Gradutation

On Friday, my brother Jay Gradutated from Weber State University. He is the only one in our family that has gradutated. We are all so proud of him. He is now going to go to graduate school, we don't know where yet. He is going to be a physical Therapist. I will be really sad when he moves away.
After all the Brother and Sister, and mom and dad went to dinner at Olive Garden. I think it is the first time we have all gone out for a long time. We had a good time.
Mom, Jay and Dad

Dad, Mom, Charles, Jay, AnnJillene, and Beth


Cami said...

hey, you know Charles did do four years and gained a license and skills for a vocation too!!! It is even a college now too.....he could get his associates too with like 4 classes...that is all his time is lacking!!! Just kidding.....I know what you mean:) Friday was fun and I am so glad that everyone could be there. Would have been nice if Verlene would have stayed around 5 more minutes to be in that family photo with all you guys.

Cami said...

unredowOKay woman!!! you are so past due for an update to this blog.....i keep checking and nothing!!! very disappointing you know? I just can't handle anymore!!! How was your Christmas? We missed you should have called. My kids have been so cabin fever this last week!!!
ps do you have a picture of all the kids together that you can send me? the only one i got( and i didn't realize this until recently), it was way cute and everything but it is missing Hunter and Gage!i don't know why that is or what happened but i would love to have one with ALL of them. thanks

Susan said...

That is so great!, tell him congrats even though it was so long ago now!