Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Day of School

Yesterday was the first day of school. And all the kids are in school now. Everyone asks what I will do with my time. I have a list a mile long. McKenna is in 6th grade, Colt in 4th, and Hunter is in 1st, and gets lunch, and 3 recesses, and Sierra is in Kintgearten. But she is mad, because she doesn't get to go yet. She will go in the morning when she goes, so we get to hang out in the afternoon. She thinks she gets McDonalds every day.

So here goes the busy schedule. The girls and doing a half time dance at the Davis game on Friday, so they have practice every day, and Colt has football practice every night, and Sierra and Hunter are in soccer. So much for having dinner together this week. But they are all having fun.


Debbie said...

Cute! I need to hire you as our photographer!

JenWright said...

Cute school picture!

Britney said...

Oh, you are so right...darling pic!What did you do? Edit the background? Are you for hire??!!